
In this paper we present a collection of techniques used to formulate a projection-based reduced order model (ROM) for zero Mach limit thermally coupled [...]


In this paper we review and clarify some aspects of the asymptotic analysis of the compressible Navier Stokes equations in the low Mach number limit. In the absence of heat exchange (the isentropic regime) this limit is well understood and rigorous results are available. When heat [...]


Objective: In this article we study the approximation to thermal turbulence from a strictly numerical point of view, without the use of any physical model. The main goal is to analyze the behavior of our numerical method in the large eddy simulation (LES) of thermally coupled turbulent [...]


In this work we propose a variational multiscale finite element approximation of thermally coupled low speed flows. The physical model is described by the low [...]