
This book analyzes the whole of Llorenç Villalonga's dramatic production - the relationship between the theatrical plays and the novels, and the classification and study of the dramatic production - following two basic lines: circuit theatre (halfway between comedy and customs and [...]


Aquest article exposa, en primer lloc, les relacions entre l’escriptor sicilià Tomasi di Lampedusa i el mallorquí Llorenç Villalonga. L’anàlisi de les afinitats i les divergències estilístiques entre els dos autors té com a objectiu l’estudi descriptiu de la traducció [...]


In the present article the author studies the importance of irony in Llorenç Villalonga’s work using as a touchstone the novel «Flo la Vigne». In the first place he analyzes the conception of irony that the writer has: a tool for approaching the world and a virtue that characterizes [...]