
This paper focuses on the fuzzy concept of phraseology and correlated notions (from interjections and true idioms to proverbs or aphorisms), as viewed from the viewpoint of Cognitive Linguistic and Discourse Analysis. Grammatical constructions, processes of grammaticalization, and [...]


The author presents some principles of Cognitive Linguistics useful in dealing with metonymy and metaphor as semantic resources in relation to idioms and proverbs. Beyond their interest for studies of Literature and Linguistics, these resources show how the human mind works.


This paper is an attempt to provide a cognitive approach to question tags, as grammatical constructions that show different syntactic forms. We propose an account based on the following points: (i) definition of question tags, (ii) contrastive analysis of the structures in several [...]


El cambio es el fenómeno lingüístico por excelencia a la hora de aplicar los modelos teóricos evolucionistas. La perspectiva evolucionista del lenguaje permite analizar el cambio lingüístico como un fenómeno sujeto a los mismos procesos evolutivos que determinan cualquier sistema [...]