
A review of methods applicable to the study of masonry historical construction, encompassing both classical and advanced [...]


Upper and lower bounds of the collapse load factor are here obtained as the optimum values of two discrete constrained optimization problems. The membership constraints for Von Mises and [...]


The evaluation of the seismic safety of Andean colonial churches is of high importance as those buildings represent part of the identity of the society and are historical emblems for the communities. Most of these buildings are composed of elongated naves with adobe masonry walls [...]


Pipelines are vital means of transportation of liquids and gases over large geographical areas. Regarding buried pipes, they are submitted to thermal and mechanical loads due to their support conditions, pipe-soil friction and the surrounding soil mass. Under high compressive loads [...]


Reinforced brick masonry has experienced only scarce use as a fully structural material [...]


Masonry structures forming part of our historical heritage were often constructed using nonperiodic textures. In this case, unlike the situation for masonry with periodic textures, few methods are available to estimate wall strength and, moreover, available methods are often difficult [...]


We formulate a linear programming approach to the limit analysis of discrete element models of masonry structures. Numerical results show the ability of the given procedure to predict the limit value of the multiplier of variable horizontal forces, which are applied to masonry [...]


Nowadays it is widely recognized that structural interventions on cultural heritage buildings shall comply with the minimum intervention principle. The main goal is to enhance the structural capacity respecting, at the same time, the authenticity of the monument. As such, the correct [...]


A computational method is proposed for the lower-bound limit analysis of masonry arches with multiple failure sections. Main motivation is the observation that, not only the position, but also the orientation of the failure sections in an arch might not be known in advance in practical [...]


This work develops new strategies to robustly apply Thrust Network Analysis (TNA) for the assessment of unreinforced masonry (URM) structures studied within the frame of limit analysis. It formulates and solves a nonlinear optimisation problem on thrust networks considering relevant [...]