
A reflection is made about the “Library 2.0” concept as a new way of understanding libraries, underlining that the use of the technology does not by itself define a Library 2.0, but rather the attitude toward users and, most importantly, good planning of both virtual and physical [...]


Digital information, digital books and the World Wide Web are gaining an increasing and accelerated importance over paper resources. Therefore, it is time for librarians to begin to assume new roles, including the construction, maintenance and management of websites for each library, [...]


This insightful introduction to understanding mashups describes them as a kind of content aggregation that permits mixing several information sources or applications, in an effort to develop different content or application based on these sources, saving time and development effort. [...]


MÁS DE 900 APLICACIONES de software social web 2.0 “colaborativas” se contabilizan ya, ¡900!


“C’EST L’HOMME QUE JE SUIS QUI ME REND MISANTHROPE”, noted Jules Renard. Yes, I don’t care much for the concepts of Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 and other buzz words a la mode. Call me a dinosaur, but I don’t blog and don’t read blogs. But even cynics have to admit that the [...]


This article provides an overview of web 2.0 and library 2.0. An analysis is offered of websites widely acknowledged as being successful. These websites were those that led to the new concept web 2.0. Essential characteristics of this type of site are reviewed, such as employing important [...]


The user participation is one of the principal keys in the web 2.0. The new technologies allow people not only to consume but also create and manage the content in a collaborative environment. The implementation of these new trends in the library context leads to library 2.0. Blogs, [...]


EL 31TH ELAG LIBRARY SYSTEMS SEMINAR tuvo lugar en Barcelona entre los días 9 y 11 de mayo, y reunió a 120 participantes vinculados al mundo de las bibliotecas y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) de más de 20 países europeos. Este evento anual fue organizado [...]