
Inland navigation networks are large-scale systems that can be described by using the nonlinear Saint-Venant partial differential equations. However, as there is no analytical solution for them, simplified models are used instead for modeling purposes. This work addresses the modeling [...]


Inland navigation networks are equipped with limnimeters to measure and record water level data for the control of water levels and the management of water resources. When faults occur on sensors, corrupted data can be considered as correct, leading to undesirable management actions. [...]


@2017 Personal use of these materials is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating news collective works, for resale or redistribution [...]


This article regards the development of an analytical redundancy-based approach for detecting and isolating both sensor and actuator faults in flat inland navigation canals. Inland navigation networks are principally used for transport and are composed of many canalized natural rivers [...]