
This article proposes the optimal resource allocation of radio channels available in cellular networks for the transmission of data from the smart meters to information management systems. The model designed identifies and counts the subscribers of the electricity sector in a geographical [...]


International audience; Bicycle sharing system has become more and more popular as it can help partly solve the problems such as CO2 over-emission and traffic congestion. Some systems have been operated for several years and the analysis work is very necessary for controlling and [...]


L’estudi de la qualitat dels llocs de treball està prenent cada cop més rellevància. Organismes com l’OIT, l’Eurofound o l’OCDE ja complementen l’anàlisi quantitativa del mercat de treball amb l’estudi sobre la qualitat [...]


En este trabajo se muestran las etapas principales de la implantación de un Clúster tipo Beowulf, en la Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas de la Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila. En éste se implementó el algoritmo de agrupamiento [...]


Traffic accidents count for one of the main causes of life losses globally as well as heavy burden of their consequents on societies, a matter which prompts researchers to discover the reasons of accidents occurrence and factors affect their severity. Therefore, in this study k-means [...]