
Traditional Islamic teachings and traditions involve guidelines that have direct applications in the domestic sphere. The principles of privacy, modesty, and hospitality are central to these guidelines, each principle has a significant effect on the design of Muslim homes, as well [...]


Since the publication of Simonet's Glosario (1888) some scholars have been collecting data of sustain the hipothetical presence of Mozarab communities and the use of a Romance Language in the Valencian area under Islam. We show in this paper how they have commited abuses and arbitrarieties [...]


The aim of the study is to analyze the history of epidemics in the ancient world and comprehend their consequences relating to the emergence of salvation religions. The relevance of the [...]


En el panorama teatral del siglo XVII resultan excepcionales dos obras de argumento similar que dramatizan la conversión al cristianismo de un príncipe musulmán: El bautismo del príncipe de Marruecos (c. 1593-1603), de Lope de Vega, y El gran príncipe de Fez (1669), de Calderón [...]