
For several years, the promotion of intermodal transport has been a priority for the Spanish and European authorities (Cuerda et al., 2003; Conseil National des Transports [CNT], 2005) but the importance and the recent growth of rail transport in Spain is extremely small compared [...]


Freight transport is a crucial sector for the development of the economy and society, but it also produces negative impacts on the environment and the human health that must be considered. Intermodal freight transport represents an opportunity to achieve a transport of goods with [...]


What is a suitable modelling approach for socio-technical systems? The answer to this question is of great importance to decision makers in large scale interconnected network systems. The behaviour of these systems is determined by many actors, situated in a dynamic, multi-actor, [...]


The container transport is the key factor for globalized markets. Due to this the shipping volume in the past 20 years grew by the factor of 5. Based on this, container terminals are very important transshipment facilities in global transport chains with a high amount of annual throughput [...]


TU Dortmund University developed a simulation suite for the Container Terminal Dortmund GmbH seated in the largest inland port in Europe located in Dortmund. This suite focuses on modelling processes, resources and strategies for container terminals and enables to optimize a terminal [...]


n important problem in the assessment of reliability benefits of transport projects is that link level improvements must be translated to network level, so that they can be economically valued based on users’ trips from origins to destinations. For intermodal transport, shipments [...]