Electric vehicles require sufficient public charging infrastructure. This in turn necessitates detailed information on charging demand. In this paper we present a four-step approach to estimating public charging demand of electric vehicles. Previous methods are limited in their ability [...]Abstract
Electric vehicles (EVs) have been discussed as a promising alternative to conventional cars and as a potential solution for mitigating environmental problems caused by road transport. This study analyzes the potential of the commercial use of EVs and the factors influencing user acceptance [...]Abstract
The Amitran project provides a methodology for evaluating the effects of ICT measures in traffic and transport on energy efficiency and CO2 emissions. Last step of the methodology is the possibility to carry out a CBA or CEA of the ITS measures which are investigated. This paper presents [...]Abstract
Information and communication technologies (ICT) applied to the transport sector are expected to play a significant role in reducing the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions emitted by the transport sector. To foster the development and deployment of these technologies, known as “intelligent [...]Abstract
Greenhouse gas emissions, in particular CO2 emissions, are a major environmental problem caused mainly by the transportation and the energy sectors. Electric vehicles have been proposed as a solution for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in road transport. At the same time their [...]Abstract
Intelligent transport systems are accepted as an integral part of the transport system. They have high potential in reducing the carbon footprint of traffic while improving efficient and safe transport. The calculation of CO"inf"2"/inf" emissions arising from the transport sector [...]