
The name of letters, derived from Latin, are not exactly the same in the various Romance languages. The study of references to the name of letters made by grammarians and lexicographers reveals the continuity of forms going back to the origins of language and still remembered, although [...]


This article describes the process by which the Nou Diccionari Normatiu de la Llengua Catalana (NDNLC) has been made; this dictionary brings up to date and regularizes Pompeu Fabra’s Diccionari General de la Llengua Catalana (DGLC), which implies, on the one hand, adding to the [...]


This work presents the various aspects of the characterization of the Corpus Textual Informatitzat de la Llengua Catalana (Computerized Textual Corpus of the Catalan Language), and analyzes the present State of this project, linked to the preparation of the so-called Diccionari del [...]


The publication of the Normes ortográfiques de l'IEC (1913) and its adoption in the entire linguistic region in 1932 in the Valencian Country with the so-called Normes de Castelló was the result of a process in which differing spelling norms had to be standardized. The author examines [...]