
The notion of Common Information Space (CIS) is an area that has been gaining attention in the field of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) over the last few years. This paper discusses one aspect of the investigation being undertaken to develop the conceptualization of CIS [...]


This paper introduces the concept of accessibility from the field of transportation planning and adopts it within the context of Information Retrieval (IR). An analogy is drawn between the fields, which motivates the development of document accessibility measures for IR systems. Considering [...]


The notion of Common Information Space (CIS) has been proposed in the field of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) as a conceptual framework for analyzing cooperative work processes. The area is still in its formative years and requires more research to contribute to its development. [...]


The priority task of the Russian Federation in the upbringing of the younger generation is the development of a highly moral person who shares Russian traditional spiritual values, has relevant knowledge and skills, and is able to realize his potential. The modern information society [...]