
The author of this paper considers the new pedagogical patterns arisen from new television communicational patterns as a new challenge for education. We will need to increase the knowledge of the users and a serious analysis of the audiovisual information


By means of the metaphor «lights in the labyrinth», this paper is an approach to some new meanings of it, discussing which doors are open and which ones are closed in media in order to research its relevance in the globalization and information age. In th


The impact that a new technology item such as the mobile phone has on today's society, in particular, on the life of adolescents aged 12 - 16, is analyzed and discussed. In the information society we are living in, changes are ever quickening. Consequently, interpenonal relationships [...]


Information and communication technologies (ICT) are imposing a radical reform in journalism and media education. Without a strategic, participatory pedagogical vision, journalism and media literacy will not work to the advantage of the plan for a democratic and inclusive information [...]


The objective of the present study is to highlight the importance of online newspapers in the formation of public opinion, by discovering whether they promote positive or negative attitudes towards immigration or contribute to increasing awareness about the impact of the digital press [...]


The information society has seen the power of the media increase in size and influence. Advances in technology allow for the instantaneous transmission of vast amounts of information across the planet. However, despite the amount of information and media resources available, many [...]


We speak about the "information society", but very often without any critical consideration. This article considers whether we can really say that we live in the "information society" and raises questions regarding the information that we receive from big business, political powers [...]


The results of studies on changes in the ecosystem of information and communication in the digital age are discussed., including how to use internet and mobile phones to work, play and interact through social networks. This new environment has changed the way libraries and librarians [...]


Reference services have developed at the same pace as technology. Different aspects of the information society related to reference services provided by libraries and information centres are presented, including a description of the ubiquity, immediacy and participation that define [...]


Discussion of diverse enterprise concepts around the present Society of the information (supposedly, of the New economy). The introduction of the information technologies (ICT) has modified the structure of the companies and the ways they make businesses. The article analyzes two [...]