
The fight against poverty and social exclusion are, to a greater or lesser extent, a constant feature in European strategies for economic growth and employment generation and the related research framework programs. At present, the concepts of exclusion and inclusion include access [...]


The design of large-scale complex systems requires their analysis from multiple perspectives, often through the use of requirements models. Diversely located experts with different backgrounds (e.g., safety, security, performance) create such models using different requirements modeling [...]


The European Commission Horizon 2020 AUTOPILOT (AUTOmated driving Progressed by Internet Of Things) is aiming to exploit the IoT ecosystem to integrate connected cars and transform them in automated moving "objects". One of the key challenges encountered in the project is to ensure [...]


The Horizon 2020 framework program requires research projects to incorporate communication plans that cover all activities for the dissemination, communication, and exploitation of results. These must include strategic and specialized measures that identify the diversity of audiences, [...]