
reassessed taking into consideration anthropological, civil, legal, lexical, moral, philosophical, theological and psychological aspects. An application of this refurbished concept follows, wherein the idea of honor as a social concept and as a moral attribute clash in three villein [...]


In the 16th century, Europe witnesses the triumph of the pre-capitalist economy, personified by the merchant. This new situation brought the rejection of the humanists, who wrote about the society’s decadence of values and the destruction of social status. Ruiz de Alarcón wrote [...]


Calderón deals with uxoricide following adultery in several of his works, providing different solutions according to the dramatic genre: human, commutative justice for secular plays; divine, merciful justice for religious plays (autos). On the other hand, contemporary laws [...]


En este trabajo nos interesamos por las mujeres violentas en La burlada Aminta y venganza del honor, novela corta de María de Zayas que forma parte de las Novelas amorosas y ejemplares publicadas en 1637. Ponemos en relación este tema con un aspecto muy comentado entre la crítica [...]