
Throughout this essay a balance on Jürgen Habermas’ theoretical itinerary is exposed. We review his deeper motivations and questions to see how they anticipated to his mature reflections. It is highlighted the prevailing trends in social science to limit the reflection about the [...]


This paper points out how biblical texts normally work in autos sacramentales by Calderón de la Barca, and through the idea of an «interpreting community», understands that use as a result both from biblical hermeneutics, and christian teaching and liturgy; and also, in a way, [...]


Seven stereotypes of myth —mythologems— structure Calderon’s comedies as fabulae initiation. In this way, the archaic rite is an interpreter of modernity.


In the so called «information society», film studies have been diluted in the pragmatic and technological approaching of the audiovisual speech, as well as the own fruition of the cinema has been caught in the net of DVD and hypertext. The cinema itself reacts in the face of it [...]


This study takes the old myth of objectivity in the media discourse to one of the most relevant and unperceived actors of the process of its construction: the mass media information scientist or documentalist. Accepting the subjective presence of the documentalist in his/her productions, [...]