
Nanjing City Wall, one of the most important cultural heritages in China, has been damaged in a natural environment for centuries. Plants can be a candidate to regulate the micro-environment and mitigate the influence of local climates, which cannot be easily controlled by human efforts. [...]


La Arqueología es la disciplina que estudia los restos materiales de pasado. Es una disciplina histórica tanto por el tipo de preguntas que plantea como por los medios que utiliza para responderlas. [...]


El libro «La restauración de la arquitectura de tapia en la Península Ibérica. Criterios, técnicas, resultados y perspectivas» constituye el resultado principal del proyecto de investigación homónimo concedido por el Ministerio [...]


The problem raised by the steadily increasing number of failures in ancient town walls has recently attracted much interest. This typology of cultural heritage has always played a critical role in shaping local identities and still holds great potential as a cultural resource but [...]