
The need for real usability testing analysis is discussed, since the assumption that classical usability heuristics are not capable to cope every possible web information system use scenario. Also, a really easy and cheap way to develop real user tests based on low-fidelity protypes [...]


A NINGUNO NOS EXTRAÑA que la profesión de bibliotecario-documentalista derive hacia gestor de información. Ni es extraño que quienes durante siglos se han ocupado de ordenar, organizar y hacer accesible la información escrita en los papeles ahora quieran continuar su trabajo [...]


In recent years, multiple sets of interaction patterns have been proposed for use in the design and the development of website interfaces. The semantic web also has enhanced websites with semantic content. This paradigm shift allows the reexamination of usual end-user tasks, which, [...]


utomotive navigation systems are becoming ubiquitous as driver assistance systems. Vendors continuously aim to enhance route guidance by adding new features to their systems. However, we found in an analysis of current navigation systems that many share interaction weaknesses, which [...]