
This paper pretends to show the important role that must be played by guidance in different programmes designed to learn consumers to acquire a critical view over mass media, especially television. Besides, it explains how teaching institutions haven´t go


This paper tries to design a university guidance program aimed at students, families and educational institutions. It can be adjusted by each university, uploaded in their web sites in order to be used by any interested person through Internet. The progra


This article describes the potential of the Internet for career development, both in relation to the services available, as well as the opportunity for career counsellors to advance in their professional development, in view of the new competencies it dem


Educational guidance has become one of the cornerstones resulting of the LOGSE education. Its function consists of helping the student to know how to choose the best educative itinerary and job for him. On the other hand, Internet has raised as the hugest


The two first CEAS (Council of European Aerospace Societies) Specialist Conferences on Guidance, Navigation and Control (CEAS EuroGNC) were held in Munich, Germany in 2011 and in Delft, The Netherlands in 2013. ONERA The French Aerospace Lab, ISAE (Institut Superieur de l’Aeronautique [...]


The author thinks that cinema has to be used at school, but he also thinks that it can´t be used as a didactic or motivational resource because the role played by cinema in History is so important that we have to consider it as culture, art, spectacle...


The present paper picks up an initial contribution to work with the net as starting point, about academic guidance with students of Bachillerato, especially those who are about to enter university and need of quick information and guidance. Finally, it pr


The main purpose of this article focuses on identifying specific Information and Communication Technologies skills, particularly those related to web pages and e-mail, useful in the implementation of Guidance functions and tasks. To this end, it was designed a competence map overlaid [...]