
Description and evaluation of the characteristics of MapTiler, software for georeferencing and publishing old maps on the Web. This software can help librarians and archivists publicize, easily and quickly, the cartographic collections of their institutions. Some use cases of MapTiler [...]


 La aplicación contemporánea de tecnologías de georreferenciación y geolocalización ha permitido revisar y revitalizar la forma de mostrar, difundir y hacer accesible a la ciudadanía la documentación cartográfica y fotográfica almacenada en archivos, bibliotecas, cartotecas, [...]


The contemporary application of georeferencing and geolocation technologies has enabled the review and revitalisation of the method of presenting, disseminating, and making accessible cartographic and photographic documentation stored in archives, libraries, map libraries, museums, [...]


Bibliometric indicators of production and impact of e-learning research are analyzed to know the contribution of countries and institutions in the scientific development of this subject and to strengthen its characterization as knowledge domain. We extracted bibliometric indicators [...]