
In the following article we present an unpublished and unknown text of Galician discoverer Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa. The letter, wrote in Latin, was send to Lord Burghley, the first minister of Elizabeth Tudor. Its content links chro-nicles and legends of Spain and Galicia to the [...]


Luis Pérez el gallego is one of Calderón’s lesser-known dramas, and yet one of the most compelling ones when it comes to reflecting on personal and collective identity, on relations between power and the law, and on historical memory. The existing scholarship on this play has [...]


The ultimate goal of private hospitals in Spain is to increase their number of patients, or at least their revenues, whereas public hospitals do not have this goal because they do not necessarily need to attract more patients. Consequently, the communication carried out at each type [...]


The existence or lack of media accountability instruments in Catalonia, Galicia, Madrid, and Valencia is described. Among the 60 instruments analyzed are journalists associations and unions, press councils, codes of ethics, regulatory authorities, laws regulating the media, online [...]


Abstract: The author analyses the problems of standardizing and normalizing the use of Galcian and compares Galicia's situation with that of País Valencià.