
In a few years we have evolved from bibliographic reference managers that only worked offline to management systems on the Web as a research tool. They make it easy to share, add and tag references. They support scientific discovery through the networks that are created between researchers’ [...]


TAGS Y FOLKSONOMIES. Qué son y cómo se están aplicando al diseño de algunos sistemas de información. ¿Son susceptibles de aplicarse en una biblioteca digital o física? ¿Hay alternativas o mejoras que se puedan plantear desde el mundo de la Documentación?


In last years, many archives, libraries and museums are exploring, participating in, or simply using resources that social networks offer on the internet. The so-called web 2.0 has enabled a new context for these institutions to present their collections and activities to new users. [...]


The internet’s evolution toward a scenario of greater potential, with users increasingly involved in its development and management, demands a lower level of semantic ambiguity in the documents that are provided. The proposed semantic web, a concept that appeared almost a decade [...]