
Part 7: Control and Fault Tolerance; International audience; This study presents a scheme to detect and isolate faults in over-actuated electric vehicles. Although this research work is still emerging, it already provides a view of the main challenges on the problem and discusses [...]


This article regards the development of an analytical redundancy-based approach for detecting and isolating both sensor and actuator faults in flat inland navigation canals. Inland navigation networks are principally used for transport and are composed of many canalized natural rivers [...]


Inland navigation networks are mainly used for transport with economic and environmental benefits. In a climate change context which leads to the scarcity of the water resource, the control of navigation levels and the supervision of these networks become crucial. Thus, this paper [...]


Vehicle control systems such as ESC (electronic stability control), MDPS (motor-driven power steering), and ECS (electronically controlled suspension) improve vehicle stability, driver comfort, and safety. Vehicle control systems such as ACC (adaptive cruise control), LKA (lane-keeping [...]