
The importance of social networks for mass media professionals, especially for news librarians –whose traditional intermediary role limited their visibility to users– is explained. Examples of documentation centres and news librarians’ profiles in social media like weblogs, [...]


The digital realm increasingly recognizes the relevance of “opinion leaders” or influential users: those who, through their online activity (publishing tweets and blog posts, updating social networks status, recommending readings, etc.) create or filter content to people over [...]


Persuasion is a communicative process in which the agent obtains the adhesion of the receiver and influences him/her; this process is particularly relevant in political communication during electoral periods. The persuasive techniques used on Facebook by the candidates of the main [...]


Tourist destination managers must design effective communication strategies as part of their promotional tasks. In order to do so, destinations need to know what sources of information tourists actually use during the stages of a trip. Previous studies have partially addressed this [...]


Tourist destination managers must design effective communication strategies as part of their promotional tasks. In order to do so, destinations need to know what sources of information tourists actually use during the stages of a trip. Previous studies have partially addressed this [...]