
There is no doubt that in a globalized market (highly competitive and demanding, which seeks excellence, honesty and business creativity) Public Relations must be constructed as a social science, multidisciplinary and flexible, directed not only to the attainment of corporate objectives, [...]


Banking entities are confronting an important challenge: recovering citizens’ confidence within a context in which their image has been severely damaged and linked to deception and abusive practices and a lack of transparency. Online communication room means a bank trademark in [...]


Aware of the fact that nowadays transmitting information is insufficient for successfully communicating, organizations are increasingly multi-channeled communicators, in addition to receiving what their public communicates, because they are aware that simply transmitting information [...]


Methods and metrics for studying interactions between automated vehicles and other road users in their vicinity, such as pedestrians, cyclists and non-automated vehicles, are not established yet. This workshop focuses on identifying the strengths and weaknesses of various methodologies [...]


Interactions between autonomous vehicles (AV) and pedestrians remain an ongoing area of research within the AutoUI community and beyond. Given the challenge of conducting studies to understand and prototype these interactions, we propose a combined full-day workshop and tutorial [...]


Interactions between autonomous vehicles (AV) and pedestrians remain an ongoing area of research within the AutoUI community and beyond. Given the challenge of conducting studies to understand and prototype these interactions, we propose a combined full-day workshop and tutorial [...]