The study of solar flares is definitely very important for our planet, because they have a direct impact on it. We have always wondered how solar flares, seemingly so far away from us, can affect the Earth. They are known for their effect on the ionosphere and magnetic field of our planet, thereby causing negative effects in addition to the fascinating aurora borealis. Thus, every flare that occurs on our main luminary can cause geomagnetic storms, bringing massive power outages, malfunctioning GPS systems, radio and telecommunications. In studying this issue, we decided to understand their patterns.
Thus, we studied methods of processing large volumes and presenting them in the form of graphs using MATLAB and Python programs, while using the relationship between the characteristics of the radio signal and its topology, developed by our scientist Zhanabaev Z.Ch. The uniqueness of our project is the use of only two coefficients (two-dimensional shape coefficient and information-entropy) characterizing solar flares to determine their patterns.
In conclusion, having set the goal of the project is to find the most efficient method to predict solar flare based only on the value of second flux and soft X-ray emission. We were able to make progress and discover a new to science concept of self-organization of solar flares.