
Theater is constituted by a double and correlative tension between auditory and visual elements, on one hand, and verbal and factual components, on the other. Due to restrictions in staging or to aesthetic preference, in the Spanish Golden Age Comedia there is an initial preference [...]


La tragedia surge en el entorno griego pero evoluciona hacia parámetros temáticos diferentes acordes con el universo simbólico de la época que la acoge, aunque su arquitectura formal permanezca pese a variar los acentos de sus lecturas. Así, en el Siglo de Oro, la fatalidad será [...]


This article relates the discovery of certain brain cells known as "mirror neurons" that help explain the biological basis of a pre-conceptual, pre-linguistic grounding of human cognition, to Lacanian [...]


Amongst the numerous interpretations of El médico de su honra, Adolfo Marsillach’s adaption stands out for respecting the original ambiguity of the work through elements such as minimalism, timelessness, a psychological interpretation, and the inclusion of four anonymous [...]


Even though the experts on Calderón do agree that Coquín, a character of El médico de su honra, is an unsuccessfully comical character drowned by the tragic atmosphere of the play, our analysis of the character’s jokes, especially the one about the lady’s beard, reveals that [...]