
A careful reading of Don Quixote shows that this masterly novel is not composed of words alone. As all literary masterpieces, the Cervantine work is full with silence. The narrator (who cannot be identified with Cervantes, as we have established before) keeps silent and skips over [...]


El artículo gira en torno a la tensión contrapuntística que crea el delirio frente a la razón en el Quijote. Partimos de la idea (que compartimos con María Zambrano) de que el delirio es una forma de inteligencia diferente a la inteligencia racional, y que es también una de [...]


In El pastor Quijótiz (1969), Camón Aznar resorted to the antagonism ideal vs. reality, characteristic of many recreations of Cervantes’ masterpiece, to explore the problem he had in combining the ideas of his freethinking youth with his later role as an active intellectual under [...]


Don Quixote creates Dulcinea of El Toboso, the beloved of the knight-errant, out of his recollections of Aldonza Lorenzo. The character of Dulci­nea is very different from the peasant woman who inspired her creation, to the point that the latter is entirely effaced, while the imaginary [...]