Social laboratories, defined as experimental spaces for co-creation, have currently become the main centres of innovation. Medialabs are experimental laboratories of technologies and communication media which have co-evolved along with the digital society into becoming mediation [...]
This paper reports the results derived from the research project, entitled “eDCINEMA: Towards the European Digital Space. The role of small cinemas in original version” (CSO2012-35784), which focused on the analysis of the role of movies in OV/OVS in achieving diversity of languages [...]Abstract
The «Network Society» is identified by accelerated changes that occur between real and virtual worlds. The progress of digital devices has generated a new model of leisure that it has conditioned family interactions. The aim of this research was to identify the relationship between [...]Abstract
As the present world increase its complexity and speed in a society filled with information, it seems necessary to imagine the future. And media education must be included in this reflection because it is important to understand that complexity and that speed at the present as well [...]Abstract
This work presents a research study designed to analyse the development of power relations in a virtual world, known as Habbo Hotel, aimed at the child and teenage market. What motivated this work was the desire to understand how this company wielded its power through the different [...]Abstract
The fight against poverty and social exclusion are, to a greater or lesser extent, a constant feature in European strategies for economic growth and employment generation and the related research framework programs. At present, the concepts of exclusion and inclusion include access [...]Abstract
Within the framework of the information society, we are witnessing a paradigm shift in reading characterized by the convergence of analog and digital supports and the consequent challenges. In this context, the illustrated nonfiction book emerges as a format with great editorial vitality. [...]