
In this brief study we will carefully analyze the uses of arribar and aplegar in mediaeval language from Curial e Güelfa. Our goal is to discover when and up to which extent both verbs, arribar and aplegar, share their meaning during the first half of the 15th century, in order [...]


The aim of this study is to present a set of corpora of casual Catalan (especially oral and colloquial) gathered together in the VARCOM and PRAGMAESTIL projects carried out over the past twenty years at the University of Barcelona. The research has been conducted by the Grup d’Estudi [...]


The study of translation norms is a key element in traductological studies. Insofar as these norms are linked to cultures and specific historical periods, the analysis of their diverse elements is of fundamental importance. One of the variables that composes these norms is the model [...]


    A pesar de la gran cantidad de contenido científico y tecnológico disponible en la World Wide Web, su mayoría se encuentra encerrado tras sistemas de pago, como las revistas académicas, o es casi invisible, como los repositorios institucionales. Wikipedia puede actuar [...]