In this paper we propose a mortar algorithm for the study of contact mechanics in three dimensional elasticity problems. The projection surface used for integrating the equations is selected through a local cartesiana base defined in each contact element. In this way, some difficulties [...]
The extended system is known as a reliable algorithm for the direct computation of instability points on the equilibrium path of mechanical structures. This article describes the application of the extended system as critical point computation method to mechanical contact problems. [...]
The surface texture of the pavement plays a very important role in driving the frictional properties at the tire rubber-pavement interface. Particularly, the hysteretic friction due to viscoelastic deformations of rubber depends mainly on the pavement surface texture. In the present [...]Abstract
The combination of topology optimization, lattice structures and 3D printing has quickly emerged as a potential alternative for the design and manufacturing of lightweight components. However, the size of the building chamber restricts the size of this kind of lightweight designs. [...]Abstract
The current work proposes a novel adaptive node-to-surface contact approach to discretise the across-partition contact boundaries and to trace the evolution of contact locations for problems with across-partition contact boundaries.