
In the field of clinical research, it is crucial to determine the safety and efficacy of current drugs and further accelerate the discovery of new active compounds. The traditional methods performed expensive laboratory tests. These methods are very costly and require a long time. [...]


A method and a computational tool oriented to assist the damage and safety evaluation of buildings after strong earthquakes is described in this article. The input of the model is the subjective and incomplete information on the building state, obtained by inspectors which are [...]


This chapter describes the algorithmic basis of a computational intelligence technique, based on a neuro-fuzzy system, developed with the objective of assisting nonexpert profes­sionals of building construction to evaluate the damage and safety of buildings after strong earthquakes, [...]


Using only a limited number of computationally expensive functions, we show a way how to construct accurate and computationally efficient approximations of the Colebrook equation for flow friction based on the asymptotic series expansion of the Wright ω-function and on symbolic [...]


The electrical grid is undergoing an unprecedented evolution driven mainly by the adoption of smart grid technologies. The high penetration of distributed energy resources, including renewables and electric vehicles, promises several beneits to the diferent market actors and consumers, [...]