At the height of the information society, in a society permeated by communication media, screens take a special relevance thanks to technological advances. Television continues undoubtedly to be the star of all screens, channeling global culture as it is influenced by large information [...]Abstract
The information society has seen the power of the media increase in size and influence. Advances in technology allow for the instantaneous transmission of vast amounts of information across the planet. However, despite the amount of information and media resources available, many [...]Abstract
Today’s youth lives leaping between two differing environments: that of mass culture technologies, fundamentally television, and that of educational institutions. Teaching staff is faced with the challenge of integrating school-aged youth into the social and educational medium and [...]Abstract
Society shows a double bind, as it defines adolescents´ place. This is reflected on the attitude of the educators, who understand this phase as the most critical and complex. One among the new passwords for youth is the redesigning of sociability around the so-called “urban tribes”; [...]