
Els clústers com a fenomen espontani de la economia son presents des de fa moltes dècades en la gran majoria dels països i més en aquells que, com Catalunya, compten amb teixit [...]


Els clústers com a fenomen espontani de l’economia són presents des de fa moltes dècades en la gran majoria de països i, més en aquells que, com Catalunya, compten amb un teixit productiu heterogeni i una gran tradició manufacturera.

Més [...]


We present the results of the application of visualization techniques to search large sets of records, under the framework of the “Project of innovation in record management applied to transport infrastructure services and works procurement dossiers”. We started from a metadata [...]


La sequera acusada que viu Catalunya des de fa més de 3 anys ha implicat importants reptes competitius per a molts sectors, amb especial èmfasis amb aquells amb un consum més preponderant d’aigua en conques internes, com és el sector turístic. [...]


International audience; For millennia, the Mediterranean has been one of the most active trading areas, supported by a transport network connecting riparian cities and beyond to their hinterland. The Mediterranean has complex trade patterns and routes--but with key differences from [...]


Oncology patients undergoing cancer treatment experience an average of fifteen unrelieved symptoms that are highly variable in both their severity and distress. Recent advances in Network Analysis (NA) provide a novel approach to gain insights into the complex nature of co-occurring [...]


The study examines [...]


Recent studies have stressed the role played by global pipelines in fostering the growth of clusters and innovativeness. In this article, we develop a formal model to investigate when global pipelines contribute to an increase in local knowledge, depending on various characteristics [...]