
Para la Unión Europea, la Economía Circular es a la vez una prioridad y una apuesta decidida en favor de un nuevo paradigma económico en nuestro continente. El tradicional modelo económico lineal de producir, consumir, usar y tirar está ya agotado. [...]


The throwaway culture has for years been the hallmark of our economic system. We produce, use and throw"br" away what is left as waste. A circular economy assumes that materials are part of a closed system of subsequent"br" loops, where the output of one loop is the input of the next [...]


In the bet of a circular economy to conserve, maintain and lengthen the value of water distribution and supply networks, infusion and vacuum technology used for on-site pipe manufacturing by means [...]


The European rail network is largely electrified, and rail emits far less CO2 than equivalent travel by road or air. It accounts for only 0.4 % greenhouse gas emissions from EU transport, while all EU transport accounts for 25% of the EU’s total emissions. Additionally, [...]


Por una Economía Inspiral, más allá de la Economía Circular


Antonio Valero

Instituto CIRCE, Universidad de Zaragoza

Miembro del Club de Roma, valero@unizar.es



El [...]


El vocablo "Economía Circular" es confuso, pues no es teoría económica, ni es circular. A pesar de ello, es necesario defenderlo pues es una revolución en la manera de proceder con los recursos naturales. El objetivo de este artículo [...]


This paper explores sustainable business models (SBMs) evolution for the rapidly developing battery second use (B2U) market within the emerging electric vehicle (EV) industry. Previous work identified that SBMs and EV B2U are emerging as major research streams but there is paucity [...]


The electric vehicle is presented as an environmental friendly alternative to common vehicles and as the future of transportation. However, car manufacturers consider that electric vehicle batteries are not useful for traction purposes when they reach a state of health of 80%. Thus, [...]


Mixed plastics waste (MPW) constitute a material of extreme recycling difficulty due to their heterogeneity and contamination level. As a consequence, a large fraction of MPW is landfilled. It is imperative [...]