
The effect of waterproof membrane and steel reinforcement protection on the concrete bridge deck is modeled. The attention is paid to the durability prediction related to steel reinforcement corrosion initiation based on the chloride penetration. Thus 2-D finite element chloride [...]


L’objectiu és oferir una descripció dels ingressos actuals de la Generalitat de Catalunya i fer-ne una anàlisi crítica. També es dibuixaran les grans línies cap on hauria d’anar encaminada  la hisenda de la Generalitat [...]


Chloride ingress in the field structure is influenced by many factors. A non-destructive monitoring is a useful tool for assessing the health of reinforced structures. This study used array sensors to measure the temperature and electrical conductivity of concrete at depths from [...]


Chloride ingress has been recognized as a main factor inducing the corrosion of offshore reinforced concrete structures. It is acknowledged that the chemical attack can lead to concrete property deterioration, which inevitably affects the reinforcement corrosion. Herein, the influence [...]