
The controversy between the IPCC and Non-governmental IPCC (NIPCC) on the attribution of global warming are reviewed. IPCC holds that today’s global warming is mainly due to anthropogenic activities rather than natural variability, which is emphasized by NIPCC. The surface temperature [...]


Submarine pipelines, as arteries for offshore oil and gas transportation, play a particularly important role in the exploitation of offshore oil and gas resources. Since the world’s first submarine pipelines were laid in the Gulf of Mexico, numerous failures have been caused by [...]


Contract claims are an inevitable fact of life in the construction industry. Contract claims are one of the problems that construction projects may face. Claims might cause many effects such as payment delay, an extension of time, and work suspension. The main aim of this research [...]


The aim was to detect the causes that lead more often to men and women to present the behavior of infidelity. To do this, it worked with a nonrandom sample of intentional type, consisting of 75 couples married and 75 couples in a dating relationship, residents of Toluca city, on condition [...]