
Carles Salvador had strong nationalistic convictions and was very active in promoting the Catalan language in several areas, specifically in developing treatises on spelling, grammar and lexicography. His work would help consolidate the standardization of Catalan in the Valencian [...]


In this article Casanova uses various archives –in particular that of Emili Beüt i Belenguer– to reconstruct the process of elaborating the general dictionary of Valencian. This dictionary was written during the Spanish civil war through the IEV, an organization in which Salvador [...]


This study analyzes how Salvador, as founder and collaborator, participated in various Valencian cultural institutions of his time: the Societat Castellonenca de Cultura, the Associació Protectora de l’Ensenyança Valenciana, the publications Taula de Lletres Valencianes and El [...]


Through a critical examination of the Valencian literary circles at the end of the nineteenth century (during the Renaixença), the author situates the decisive role Carles Salvador played in the renovation of literary form and content, especially in the temporal option of the Avant-garde, [...]


Meseguer situates Carles Salvador within the literary trends of his contemporaries. He deals with Salvador's implicit and explicit ideological influences, focusing on the poetics of various texts: El jazz, el maquinisme i la poesia pura (1928), Colps d'escut i de sageta (1929), Significado [...]


Carles Salvador and his generation greatly contribute to the modernization and standardization of Catalan literature in the Valencian Country at the beginning of the twentieth century. The reasons and circumstances are analyzed by Balaguer, who concludes that they were often based [...]


Carbó reviews every book of poetry by Carles Salvador from Plàstic (1923), to El fang i l’esperit (1952), through which he traces –in both general and specific terms– the evolution of Salvador and his contributions to the renovation of Valencian lyrics in Catalan during the [...]


This article examines Salvador's ability as narrator through a textual analysis of five of his works of prose –two published before the war of 1936 and three left unpublished. Alonso perceives a certain narrative weakness as a consequence of Salvador's scarce and generic knowledge [...]


From 1915 to the postwar years, Caries Salvador wrote over a dozen plays, some of which were left unpublished, and others which were never brought to the stage. Comedies, comic interludes and a miracle story about Saint Vicent make up this group of texts. Roselló analyzes them in [...]


In several of Salvador's writings –Qüestions de llenguatge (1936), El valencia a les escoles (1935) and reviews of various texts by Delfí Dalmau (1936)– Solé recovers ideas and concepts taken up in current sociolinguistic discourse, for example, linguistic substitution, monolingualism [...]