During 2014, Germany and Spain reformed their copyright laws, with the specific goal of making Google news compensate newspaper publishers for the use of third parties’ copyrightable works. These reforms were based on ancillary rights in Germany, and unwaivable rights in Spain (until [...]Abstract
The European Commission published, in September 2016, a proposal for a new directive regarding copyright and digital society, which included a new right that addressed the needs of press publishers. This directive can be interpreted as a promise to effectively enact such a right. [...]Abstract
Can an article previously published in a journal or newspaper be gathered together with others by the author as an anthology or collection? Can the author perform this action without consulting the publisher, who is the assignee of the economic rights of the work, which include the [...]Abstract
Review of trends in copyright and author rights. The Web has helped to highlight the differences between the Anglo-Saxon (common law) and Latin (civil law) worlds, and at the same time has spurred movement worldwide toward more homogeneous policies between countries. The progress [...]Abstract
The development of the European Digital Library, a project that will give European citizens access to our cultural heritage, raises many questions about this project’s compatibility with copyright protection for authors, which has been under discussion by the European Union in recent [...]Abstract
This review reflects on the activities carried out during 2014 by four professional associations on Library and Information Science: IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), Eblida (European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations), [...]Abstract
Law and Information are two concepts that need each other, although the complexity of their relationship is not always fully understood. We propose an overview of the main areas where this relationship is more intimate and fundamental. To make this overview more comprehensive we will [...]Abstract
The main characteristics of cloud computing services are explained and the clauses typically included in contracts between suppliers and customers of such services are discussed. Storing data on a cloud service can be more comfortable for an organization and cheaper than local storage, [...]Abstract
The main characteristics of cloud computing services are explained and the clauses typically included in contracts between suppliers and customers of such services are discussed. Storing data on a cloud service can be more comfortable for an organization and cheaper than local storage, [...]