
Watching television, according to the point of view of the audience, means being passive subjects. However, if we would realize that we are true consumers of mass media, surely we would try to consume them more rationally, while we would be able to confer to this consumption a voluntary [...]


The term «dinki» stands for «double income no kids» and refers to young couples with high earned income who do not want to have offspring in order to maintain their economical status (a great part of their income is devoted to travelling, eating in restaurants...). The «dinki» [...]


Recently different studies of green transport have become interesting for policy makers, car manufacturers, customers and energy suppliers. Many stakeholders from the public and private sectors are investing a lot of effort to identify consumer behaviour for future improvements in [...]


Global socio-economic and environmental megatrends ask for a paradigm shift in mobility and transport in which multimodal solutions and electrification are key. An action plan for the implementation of innovative transport and mobility in Europe is needed. The MOBILITY4EU project [...]


We analysed mass media credibility, focusing particularly on generalist journals. We carried out structural equation modeling, based on a sample comprised of 454 questionnaires relative to the newspapers El país, El mundo, Abc, La razón and La voz de Galicia , in order to analyze [...]


Consumer education regarding the costs of electric vehicles (EVs), particularly in comparison with similar gasoline vehicles, is important for adoption. However, the complexity of comparing gasoline and electricity prices, and balancing long-term return-on-investment from fuel and [...]


The petroleum sector contributes substantially to the Nigerian economy; however, the potential benefits are diminished because of the existence of significant subsidies on imports of petroleum products. Subsidies on imported petroleum products are considered to be an important instrument [...]


In 2005, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA, 2005) provided the first comprehensive report on global ecosystems, the dependence of human societies on the services provided, current state, and likely future trajectory. The MA identified the failure to value ecosystem services [...]


During the transition from central planning to market economies now under way in Eastern Europe, output levels first collapsed by 40 to 50 percent in most countries, then staged a modest recovery in the last two years. Longer-term revival of growth requires a resumption of investment [...]


The objective of this study is to assess the impact of the East-West Highway improvement program on Georgia’s ability to access international markets. As highlighted extensively in the literature, improving transport infrastructure [...]