
In this paper we present some of the main ideas developed by Carlos Pereyra around the subjects of politics, the State and civil society. We review his reflections on this notions, placing them in the context of the reception of the intellectual legacy of Antonio Gramsci. Also, we [...]


There has been considerable debate about the potential of social media to promote new democratic practices and active citizenship. However, the participation of young people in social networks seems to go in a more playful than ideological direction. This article discusses youngsters’ [...]


The current process of social transformation is driven by the growth of the culture of transparency and accountability, the socio-technological development of the web and the opening of public data. This situation forces the media to rethink their models of social intermediation, [...]


This article analyses the status of media literacy in Brazil from the perspective of non-formal education. It quantifies the situation through a sample of projects (N=240) and organizations (N=107) that develop media literacy activities according to the internationally recognized [...]


This paper shows the impact experienced by the creation of a community radio station. We reduce some aspects related to the production of bilingual programmes. The major part of this production was under-taken by young people of the wichi community. This article synthesises the most [...]


Freedom of expression is both a life and death matter and a bread and butter issue. Free media that allow a diversity of voices to be heard and all ideas to be discussed play a central role in the sustaining and monitoring of good government, as well as in the fostering of economic [...]


This article argues that African media education must define a pedagogical agenda for citizenship. That task lies in a postcolonial revisionism of liberal modes of thought and practice about media. This neo-colonial dependence of African media education is evident in the pedagogical [...]


The current ease of online education allows students to acquire the professional and personal competencies demanded for the XXI century. In this article we study the media empowerment of students, as citizens, using multiple means of communication. We have established the first scale [...]


Der Autor plädiert in seinem Beitrag für eine radikale Neuausrichtung überkommener sozialpädagogischer und sozialarbeiterischer Theorien und Methoden angesichts einer von Mobilität und Vielfalt geprägten Postmoderne. Die gesellschaftliche Wirklichkeit einer globalisierten Stadtgesellschaft [...]


  The wide adoption of the Internet gave rise to populism, which is regarded as a critical threat to deliberative democracy. This paper was a cross-national panel study to explore the Internet’s populist impacts on deliberative democracy. It had two specific objectives. One was [...]