
In previous works, the nonlinear localization was first presented and studied in the case of large displacements but only for globally stable structural responses. In this paper, the parallelization of this computational strategy using a Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constrains [...]


In this work, we propose an enhanced implementation of balancing Neumann-Neumann (BNN) preconditioning together with a detailed numerical comparison against the balancing domain decomposition by constraints (BDDC) preconditioner. As model problems, we consider the Poisson and linear [...]


In this paper we present a detailed description of a high-performance distributed-memory implementation of balancing domain decomposition preconditioning [...]


In this work we propose a novel parallelization approach of two-level balancing domain decomposition by constraints preconditioning based on overlapping of fine-grid and coarse-grid duties in time. The global set of MPI tasks is split into those that have fine-grid duties and those [...]


A simple variant of the BDDC preconditioner in which constraints are imposed on a selected set of subobjects (subdomain subedges, subfaces and vertices between pairs of subedges) is presented. We are able to show that the condition number of the preconditioner is bounded by C 1 [...]