
The current paper is based on the hypothesis that communication through the new digital technologies modifies the moral response of users, and therefore reduces social capital. This approach has been contrasted by designing and conducting an experiment (N=196) using our own adaptation [...]


Television has a great influence in the mode of thinking and life-styles of its viewers. This article defines the concept of manipulation and explains the audiovisual and verbal language. Then it suggests some methods for avoiding manipulation and preserving your own freedom: to know [...]


Do we teach just what we know, or what our students really need? They spend about a thousand hours per year watching TV, and that is much more time they employ in attending school. To cope with this situation an audiovisual literacy programme should be elaborated by teachers themselves [...]


The mixed model of Teaching-Learning intends to use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to guarantee an education more adjusted to European Space for Higher Education (ESHE). The following research objectives were formulated: 1) To find out the assessment made by teacher-training [...]


This paper analyses the productive structure in Spanish television research. Data from theses about Spanish television which had been defended in this country over the period 1976/2007 was extracted. Two methodologies are used within this analysis: a bibliometric analysis and Social [...]


We describe a case of implementation in the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) for a change of mindset in third-year students taking the Informative Documentation class. Traditionally this area, so important in all the teaching of communication, has been a drag on the learning process [...]


The main orthotypographic and paralinguistic characteristics of journalistic tweets using a sample of ten of the most media active Spanish journalists in the network of microblogging Twitter are analyzed. Through a research methodology based on the computer-mediated discourse of computational [...]


The entrepreneurial intention of a randomly selected sample of 310 students of Journalism and Media Studies in Spain and their perception of the available structural support is analyzed. The findings suggest a more than notable lack of interest in entrepreneurship as a preferred career [...]


The late incorporation of Spain into the international circuit for the publication of results of scientific research in Communication has not proved to be an obstacle to reaching a level similar to international research in this discipline recently. However, this development is still [...]


Communication studies in Spain have now become consolidated based on their evolution over the last 50 years. The aim of this paper is to provide an in-depth analysis of the current state of Spanish higher education in Communication. To this end, an analysis is carried out of the structure [...]