
L’origen de l’ictiònim català «alatxa» i els seus congèneres romànics s’ha atribuït al tractament mossàrab de «ce» del mot llatí «hallece», traspassat a l’àrab. Tanmateix, segons Joan Veny, la distribució geogràfica d’aquest tipus lèxic per les costes de [...]


El contacte amb els aragonesos ha estat un condicionant del lèxic del català del País Valencià. Pretenem mostrar ací amb exemples concrets l’antiguitat d’aquesta influència. Partim del despullament d’un corpus textual format per documentació del s. XIII en llatí, en [...]


Abstract: During the Middle Ages, Latin was taught for beginners in the Romance language in Spain, as well as in other European regions. A number of explanations in the vernacular were incorporated into Latin texts. An example of this tradition is the so-called grammaticae proverbiandi. [...]


This paper attempts to answer the question what is Aragonese? It offers a detailed description of the phonetic (accentuation, vowel and consonant systems), morphological and syntactic, and lexical characteristics of Aragonese, based on a great wealth of both diachronic data and materials [...]


The paper focuses on the description of the pre-Roman component and its influence upon Aragonese. It casts light upon one of the factors proving most difficult to analyze, despite its importance for the description of Aragonese corn pare d to other neighbouring Romance varieties. [...]


This paper shows, based on historical data, how in the Middle Ages, in spite of the Castilian influence which can be seen in documents, Aragonese speakers had an awareness of the difference between their language and Spanish.


The author analyzes the role of Ribagorzan varieties on the creation of normative Aragonese. It can be observed that most of the traits of such varieties fail to appear in the accepted rules; this seems to stem not only from linguistic criteria, but rather from attitudes of méfiance [...]


On the basis of a discussion of the structural expansion of the Aragonese Crown’s feudal system over Sharq al-Andalus during the 12th and 13th centuries, which was similar to that occurred in other European countries at the time, this paper offers an assessment of the contribution [...]


The paper deals first with those bibliographic sources concerning the relationship between Catalan and Aragonese lexis, analyzling the use of the two vulgar tongues in contact made by sources from the Aragonese area. Then, there is a study of a number of code-switching phenomena in [...]


This paper deals with various questions concerning the two types of border involved in the so-called xurra area: the linguistic border between Catalan (Valencian) and Castilian Spanish (Castilian-Aragonese), and the administrative border between Aragon and País Valencià. Based on [...]