
Cannabis is now the most widely used illicit substance in the world. Previous research demonstrates that cannabis use is associated with dysfunctional affect regulation and anxiety. Anxiety is characterised by attentional biases in the presence of emotional information. This novel [...]


This paper studies two Exemplary Novels written by Miguel de Cervantes, The English Spaniard and The Liberal Lover, focusing on the economic anxiety that existed at the time. The «abstraction» of money due to the emerging use of credit is part of a series of irreversible and significant [...]


The short version of Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales (DASS-21, Lovibond y Lovibond, 1995) has been shown to have appropriate psychometric properties among Chilean adolescents and undergraduates. The current study was aimed at determining the cut-off scores of the Depression, [...]


The paper aims to provide the basis for an estimation equation and will focus on the relation between transport emissions and air quality in an urban environment. This is directly related to the fact that most health impacts are related to local air quality levels. The aim of the [...]


This report provides an overview of the challenges and opportunities in addressing road safety in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region. It presents information on the size, characteristics, and causes of the problem; presents evidence [...]


The M6.4 earthquake in January 7, 2020 in the Southwest of Puerto Rico caused damage to housing and buildings, and generated anxiety among the residents. The aftershocks were very active in the following months and are still felt, although with less intensity and frequency. A group [...]


In colleges and graduate schools, exam season can be a time of severe stress. In college-level math classes, anxiety tends to be especially high. However, in addition to providing exam preparation tips to students, there are many steps that professors can take to alleviate stress [...]