
This article proposes to analyze the representation of race, class and moral in television phenomena “Magaly TeVe” and “Al fondo hay sitio” from an anthropological glance of the television, and understanding their communicative, discursive and social dimensions. [...]


Los enemigos en casa is a comedy written by Lope de Vega that has been scarcely studied. The plot focuses on the enmity among two sevillian families and the serious problems it causes to a couple of lovers belonging to the rival fa­milies. The article examines how Lope dramatizes [...]


JODE purposes to deliver international readers with high quality peer-reviewed academic articles on a wide variety of issues related to open and distance learning, in areas such as technology-assisted learning, computer based training, computer-aided instruction or computer assisted [...]


More and more interfaces are designed for ‘everybody’, instead of with a specific user-group in mind. In practice, most of them are still used by the ‘typical Internet-user’, the highly educated, white young male with extensive computer and Internet-experience. Amsterdam-based [...]


mong the several findings deriving from the application of complex network formalism to the investigation of natural phenomena, the fact that linguistic constructions follow power laws presents special interest for its potential implications for psychology and brain science. By corresponding [...]


Viruses have gained a notoriously bad reputation as infectious agents, but they are nonetheless fascinating for biologists, not least because they are the most numerous and fastest evolving organisms on the planet. Moreover, viruses have had a significant role in the evolution [...]


This article considers how strangers who use public transportation initiate conversations and how disruptions of the transportation system affect interactions among strangers. How conversations are initiated has rarely been discussed in the literature because the majority of research [...]


Der Beitrag analysiert die Wechselwirkungen der Zentralität eines Ortes mit der Alltagsmobilität im Bundesland Oberösterreich. Für die im Oberösterreichischen Landesraumordnungsprogramm festgelegten Zentralitätsstufen wird auf Basis der Oberösterreichischen Verkehrserhebung [...]


In dem Beitrag geht es um aktuelle Trends und Herausforderungen der deutschen und europäischen Mobilitätsentwicklung. Hierzu zählen neben der Klima- und Energierelevanz des Verkehrs Themen wie soziale Differenzierung, demographischer Wandel und kulturelle Aspekte in ihrer Bedeutung [...]


Der Beitrag geht der Frage nach, wie in ländlichen Räumen ein Grundangebot von Mobilität gewährleistet bzw. hergestellt werden kann. Dazu werden zunächst die Besonderheiten der Mobilität in ländlichen Räumen im Vergleich zu urbanen Gebieten herausgearbeitet sowie aktuelle [...]