
Don Quixote is a rich source of metaphoric statements, a true wealth of wisdom that brings the reader to the Spanish Golden Age, reminding us the meaning of long-lost customs or alluding to some historic circumstances. Many of them persist today among us, turned into proverbial [...]


Road construction has often been viewed as the precursor to deforestation, especially in tropical forests. Traditional responses to such threats have been reactive, with attempts to mitigate impacts through physical measures, or the establishment of protected areas. These approaches [...]


The primary objective of the Southern Gobi Regional Environmental Assessment (REA) is to provide guidance for sustainable management of environmental resources in the future development of the Southern Gobi Region (SGR), development [...]


Traffic congestion continues to be a persistent problem throughout the world. As vehicle-to-vehicle communication develops, there is an opportunity of using cooperation among close proximity vehicles to tackle the congestion problem. The intuition is that if vehicles could cooperate [...]


Background: Most complicated and/or chronic wounds in veterinary medicine present a significant degree of inflammation in conjunction with local or systemic colonization or infection.Aim: To describe the validation of the instillation technique Advanced Management of Veterinary Wounds [...]