
This study analyzes the testimonial novels on concentration camps «K. L. Reich», by J. Amat-Piniella, «Crist de 200,000 braços», by A. Bartra and «El desgavell» by F. Planes, and compares them with some of the best known novels on concentration camps by European Authors (Primo [...]


El poeta Agustí Bartra (1908-1982) va ser traductor d’alguns dels poetes neoafricans més importants del segle xx. El present treball vol incidir en les reflexions que, a propòsit d’aquestes traduccions, ens ajuden a configurar la poètica del mateix Bartra. Temes tan centrals [...]


Abstract: In the 1939 exile, translation played a somewhat subsidiary role. Original works were the priority, because saving words had become urgent. “Professional” translators had to use other languages, especially Spanish, while “vocational” translators translated into Catalan [...]