
The information-documentation academic sector is considered in relation to cooperation in international development. Within this framework, the most frequent contributions made by information services and the actions in which university teaching and research is involved are described. [...]


In the early 1900s the motor-vehicle (car, bus, lorry or motorcycle) was introduced in sub-Saharan Africa. Initially the plaything and symbol of colonial domination, the motor-vehicle transformed the economic and social life of the continent. Indeed, the motor-vehicle is arguably [...]


In the early 1900s the motor-vehicle (car, bus, lorry or motorcycle) was introduced in sub-Saharan Africa. Initially the plaything and symbol of colonial domination, the motor-vehicle transformed the economic and social life of the continent. Indeed, the motor-vehicle is arguably [...]


The thesis investigates the development of short-sea shipping (SSS) in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region by studying the determinants of SSS, the stated choice preference of shippers and freight forwarders and the stated intentions of maritime carriers for SSS. [...]


y indicators take land use, the transport system, and their interdependencies into account in a holistic fashion. In many areas, however, spatial data to perform accessibility calculations are hard to obtain or not available at all. Freely available volunteered geographic information [...]


International audience; Performance metrics in the air traffic management (ATM) community are becoming a strategic issue, and they are getting more and more attention. However, defining such metrics is a difficult problem. In this paper, we show how arithmetic simulations can be used [...]