
Fiber-reinforced polymer pedestrian bridges are becoming a competitive alternative to conventional concrete or steel pedestrian bridges in the span range from 5 to 30 m. In order to consider it as a viable alternative, it is necessary, among other things, to be price competitive [...]


This work is part of an I+D project involving thirteen Spanish universities in which needs and wants in the field of media education in higher education are studied in the areas of Communication (Communication Studies, Journalism and Advertising) and Education (Teaching, Pedagogy, [...]


The changes occurring in the media environment over the last decade force us to revise the parameters from which media education is to be implemented today, in a new age of communications. This article seeks to provide some criteria that media education or media literacy should follow, [...]


We can´t only be consumers, we must be citizens. This essay argues how audiences should become producers of messages that represent a culture of resistance, from its narrative and aesthetics needs, in order to find a place of sense in a world of screens. Hence, new audiences stop [...]


Since the introduction of mental disorders as networks of causally interacting symptoms, this novel framework has received considerable attention. The past years have resulted in over 40 scientific publications and numerous conference symposia and workshops. Now is an excellent moment [...]


This chapter sets out the volume’s critical approach to the dominant discourse on modern slavery and its impulse to question the assumptions and the politics behind that discourse. It explores the limits of the modern slavery rhetoric for understanding the complicated logics of agency, [...]


In recent years, Wattpad has become the leading collaborative reading and writing platform allowing young writers to publish their works, some of which belong to the tradition of fan fiction, including stories derived from a source text from popular culture. The main objective of [...]